Sunday, April 15, 2012

Say a prayer

One of our own was in an auto accident last night. She's in ICU at an unknown hospital--please say a prayer for her.


pjm said...

Apr. 16--BC reports our girl is good, but heavily medicated.

Apr. 17--Via L--Our girl's parents were in, and say she still would prefer no visitors--who would?

Think positive thoughts.

pjm said...

Apr. 18--Per E:

"*New Update on D's Condition*

"Spoke to Barbara (D's mom) on Monday night. D had endovascular surgery done througt the groin up around the heart and into the brain. The was no cutting through the brain, this type of surgery is more successful, it offers faster recovery and less swelling of the brain. The aneurysm was located on the left side of the brain. A new CAT scan was done on Monday morning, the the brain show significant progress. She just needs a lot of rest to allow the brain to heal promptly. As for the rest of the family, they're trying to keep everything according to their usual routine especially with Nick and Jenna. They're going to school at regular schedules, following with after-school sports, games, etc.

"I appreciate all your concerns and thoughts, thank you for being patient, I will keep posting new updates with information as it comes to me...

"Very important to allow her to get the rest she needs without interruptions!!!

pjm said...

Apr. 22--W spoke to D. He said she sounded lucid and coherent, and knew who he was. Current prognosis: some time is needed for rest and recovery.

pjm said...

Apr. 25--E-gram:

"D's Update 4/24/12

"I saw D today, she looks so much better than last time. While I was visiting her, her doctor gave us good news, he moved her from ICU to a regular room. YAY!!! She's very thankful for all of your thoughts and concerns. She says hello to everyone with a smile.

"As you know, her recovery might take longer than we think, and her financial state might be hurting considering her disability check might be rolling in hopefully next month, and they're never a full pay check. I would like for everyone to please help with at least $20. I know everyone has bills to pay and money is tight. We all know Debi, and she's a very sweet, understanding, and giving person--she would do it for any of us.

"PLEASE HELP WITH WHATEVER YOU CAN. I will be taking donations all this week and next week. You can give your money to Lori, Linn, Steve, Bob or me. And to those who have given money already, thank you so much for your contributions...
