Thursday, September 25, 2008


Magic Mario has a new rug-rat (Annette). Sorry for the r-r label, but it's true! Even if men call them that, we love 'em. Details: 6 lbs 9 oz. Mario looks like he's jazzed.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Full Moon Madness!

The full moon is making us all a little nuts, but some more than others. My anecdotal evidence: today I found 3 half-empty cans of pop or energy drink scattered around the store. My usual count: zero. This, coupled with an unusual amount of junk left randomly on shelves because people just don't want it, makes me declare this a real full moon madness week.

Someone has a bun in the oven. It's probably not who you think.

PS, I really miss Brian L. and Sina A. I suspect many customers and workers would agree.
