Wednesday, February 23, 2011


This is difficult for me, but I want to get it on record:

A few nights ago, Anastasia and I locked horns. It was not pleasant: I arrived at work, and she announced: I need you to stay up front. I nodded, and proceeded to do what she asked. but it seemed nothing I could do could or would please her.

It wasn't until much later in the evening that I realized: this woman was acting like a bitch (only at this time, and God knows for what reason (I have my suspicions but email me if you want to discuss)--because she could act as a bitch (and wanted to), later in the evening, it was all sweetness and light, as if nothing had happened.))

Is this morally reprehensible? IMHO, you betcha--the reason for this post.

So, Anastasia: Fuck You. Please don't ever give me the chance to return the favor, because I will--in spades.

[Want to know real names?--no problem, just email me. ;-) ]