Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Happy Birthday to the Cylon/tl;dr woman--she's an easy 45 years old. ;-)

Thursday, November 17, 2011


The Cylon/tl;dr woman lost it today. I was in the middle of my first sweep, and she said to me: you don't have to do it, someone just did it. I said: well, yes, I do, and, besides, it will only take me a couple of minutes to finish, anyway. 

When I finished, she said: you're off sweeps, and I thought: Shazam! I have to work hard at sweeps (particularly on a day when spills are rampant) and I would much rather not do them. Things went a lot easier (even though I had to fill in some of the stuff my replacement failed to do.)

So, I lucked out, and the moron helped me (even though it was not her intention, I'm sure.) ;-)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Me and Bobbie McGee

I wish she'd just ball me, and get it over with. ;-)

And, yes, I am speaking of the Cylon woman.

Friday, August 12, 2011

"I took an act-like-an-asshole pill before I came in..."

A young lady came in shortly before we closed looking for a particular brand and type of Mexican cookie. (I sent her to the correct aisle to look.)  A young man who was working Reset for SB, recently arrived for his shift, tried to help--he attempted to take on the role of judge-advocate for said customer, who, incidentally, needed no such help. I mean, if we do not carry the item you are looking for, what good does it do to re-state over and over again what you're looking for? We don't hide merchandise from customers--never, ever.

But the man who thought he was acting like such a stud made SB look bad. There was no way we could completely fill the customer's desire. Yet, he raised her expectations (unnecessarily, and I think she suspected that), and made me and my co-workers look silly. So, the person who took the pill I mention in the title did nothing to help SB or himself. We ended up looking like jerks thanks to him.

We tried (I looked all over the shelves for the particular brand of cookie; it turns out, we simply do not carry it), but the pill-taker?--just running in doing-nothing-useful mode. He spent zero time looking for the item on his own--just doing his asshole act (and, really well, I might add.)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Children of the Corn

This post is dedicated to one young man whom (I hope) is the exception, rather than the rule.

After I had been at work for a while yesterday, someone pointed out a young man we should be watching: 14 to 15 years old, backpack, pimply. In short, a typical (hungry-looking) mid-teen. (They were worried he was going to shop-lift.) After some time, I thought: who the fuck cares? (well, about any potential shop-lifting.)

We should be concerned about:

  • why is he alone and unsupervised during the day?
  • why the hunger (the unfed look)

Whinge all you want about a Caylee's law, but to me, this is a real Caylee, because we as a society have seriously failed him. And he deserves better.

Presented as an anectodal story that saddens me.

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Moron award

What someone said to me today: Can you do the go-backs (merchandise to be returned to the shelves.) 

Muttered: and don't do them one at a time.

[I nominate this as best of the month, possibly most stupid, venal thing I've heard all year. ;-)]

Friday, April 08, 2011

Reset observation

Reset Crew: a group of people who come in to do a major move of merchandise, usually not part of the regular employees.

Personal observation: reset men and women almost always look and act like a bunch of carnies. They keep to themselves, are generally unfriendly and unsociable--maybe it goes with the territory. After all, they have no opportunity to bond or form long term relationships with anyone except themselves. But they sure are a nasty bunch.

If someone said to me: want to join reset?, I would ask: who I did I piss off. ;-)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


This is difficult for me, but I want to get it on record:

A few nights ago, Anastasia and I locked horns. It was not pleasant: I arrived at work, and she announced: I need you to stay up front. I nodded, and proceeded to do what she asked. but it seemed nothing I could do could or would please her.

It wasn't until much later in the evening that I realized: this woman was acting like a bitch (only at this time, and God knows for what reason (I have my suspicions but email me if you want to discuss)--because she could act as a bitch (and wanted to), later in the evening, it was all sweetness and light, as if nothing had happened.))

Is this morally reprehensible? IMHO, you betcha--the reason for this post.

So, Anastasia: Fuck You. Please don't ever give me the chance to return the favor, because I will--in spades.

[Want to know real names?--no problem, just email me. ;-) ]