Wednesday, February 23, 2011


This is difficult for me, but I want to get it on record:

A few nights ago, Anastasia and I locked horns. It was not pleasant: I arrived at work, and she announced: I need you to stay up front. I nodded, and proceeded to do what she asked. but it seemed nothing I could do could or would please her.

It wasn't until much later in the evening that I realized: this woman was acting like a bitch (only at this time, and God knows for what reason (I have my suspicions but email me if you want to discuss)--because she could act as a bitch (and wanted to), later in the evening, it was all sweetness and light, as if nothing had happened.))

Is this morally reprehensible? IMHO, you betcha--the reason for this post.

So, Anastasia: Fuck You. Please don't ever give me the chance to return the favor, because I will--in spades.

[Want to know real names?--no problem, just email me. ;-) ]

1 comment:

pjm said...

[BB in an unrelated email, but relevant];

Women are a minefield of emotions fuelled by ever fluctuating hormones. I was blase in my response to your sisters journal. Yes she is a woman and yes she does sound insecure but, in my mind a lot of women are insecure. Why else do they spend 3hrs on a morning doing their hair and make-up before they feel they can face the world. To look good is to feel good. To be attractive you have to paint yourself up. It's the old barbie doll syndrome. I don't know P, but she's not stupid. She's obviously aware of her feelings and know's what she wants. I'm not an expert on people and i don't have very good people skills so I can only go on personal experience. T never has and will probably never meet my emotional needs but the boys can and do. T never puts his arms around me and tells me everything is ok or is going to be ok. He puts his arms around me, tells me he loves me and I'm georgous and sexy and all that stuff and yeah, you know what's coming. But that's ok because I enjoy his company and we get on really well together and we support each other in many other ways. I've learned that the person you can rely on the most is yourself and if you can tell yourself that everything is ok you stop relying on other people to do it for you and hence you stop feeling 'let down' by other peoples seeming inadequecies. But that's just how I see it.