A young lady came in shortly before we closed looking for a particular brand and type of Mexican cookie. (I sent her to the correct aisle to look.) A young man who was working Reset for SB, recently arrived for his shift, tried to help--he attempted to take on the role of judge-advocate for said customer, who, incidentally, needed no such help. I mean, if we do not carry the item you are looking for, what good does it do to re-state over and over again what you're looking for? We don't hide merchandise from customers--never, ever.
But the man who thought he was acting like such a stud made SB look bad. There was no way we could completely fill the customer's desire. Yet, he raised her expectations (unnecessarily, and I think she suspected that), and made me and my co-workers look silly. So, the person who took the pill I mention in the title did nothing to help SB or himself. We ended up looking like jerks thanks to him.
We tried (I looked all over the shelves for the particular brand of cookie; it turns out, we simply do not carry it), but the pill-taker?--just running in doing-nothing-useful mode. He spent zero time looking for the item on his own--just doing his asshole act (and, really well, I might add.)